So I watched the AM morning news and was a bit disappointed that the traffic reports on WRAL showed NO backup at my favorite parking lot I440/US1. So I suspect there were others not working today.
I got out about 10am and had a tasty low fat 'good for you' lunch and went to one of my favorite places: Harbor Freight in North Raleigh. JB (my brother in Hawaii) introduced me to them a couple years ago on one of his mainland visits. I limited my purchased to what would fit into the xB. When JB is with me we take the GMC.

That's nice person with the xB is Linda. I bought the xB from her May 2007. This is the only picture of the xB aka 'The Toaster' I have. Note to self: wash The Toaster and take another new picture. After Harbor Freight I went by the computer box store in preparation for tomorrow.
On the way home I stopped by main campus of Wake Tech to check out the CNC classes (Machining Technology). I've always been interested in robotics. I did a paper in College on them ~30 years ago. Gulp. I attended the ShopBot Jamboree in 2006 and hope to go again this spring.

The Sugar Bowl last night was, well, boring. Sorry JB. Hawaii didn't look to good. Hopefully the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl tonight will be better. If it's a blow out also I'll just get a head start on tomorrows project "Clean up/relocate the Home Office." Good thing to do indoors. The high tomorrow is suppose to be chilly 38 . I guess retiring in winter does have a few drawbacks.
Hi! Thanks for the tip about AVG AntiVirus...downloading now. I had used it once before for some troubleshooting...once upon a time I had 3 AV software suites on this computer. Yes, I'm a computer geek...thank your US Air Force!
Hi BamaBoy,
I can't take credit for our hybrid car -- my Dave is the "Greenie" of the family. I'm eco-conscious, but he's so much better about it than me. I think the Chevy Volt is looking really promising right now and if it came in mini-van form, we'd be there!
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